Westerbeke 12B-Two 12hp Twin Cylinder Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine Package With BW7 Gearbox, Control Panel & Loom.
Removed in good working order and taken as a PX on a larger Volvo…
Volvo Penta TAMD122D 480hp @ 2050RPM. Six Cylinder Turbo Intercooled with Heat Exchanger Cooling.
We have a number of these engines available with remarkably low running hours (sub 3000 from new).…
Lister Petter LPWS4 36hp Four Cylinder Skin Tank Cooled Marine Diesel Engine With PRM Delta Hydraulic Gearbox, Basic Control Panel & Wiring Loom.
Removed from a narrowboat with approx. 2500hrs…
Volvo Penta MD21A 75hp Four Cylinder Naturally Aspirated Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine With Control Panel & Extension Loom.
This engine was replaced as part of a planned upgrade…
Bukh DV10 10hp Single Cylinder Marine Diesel Engine Package Complete With Gearbox, Basic Control Panel & Extension Loom.
Taken in part exchange against one of our Bukh DV24 engines as the owner…
Nanni 2.50HE 10hp Twin Cylinder Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine Package With TMC40 2:1 Gearbox, Control Panel, Wiring Loom & Engine Mountings.
We have two of these units available,…
BMC 1500 35hp Four Cylinder Keel Cooled Marine Diesel Engine With PRM Delta 20 2:1 Reduction Hydraulic Gearbox.
Fully rebuilt at significant cost approx. 4 years ago and in good running order.…
Volvo Penta D1-13B 13hp Twin Cylinder Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine Package With Volvo MS10L Gearbox, Control Panel, Extension Loom and Flexible Mounts.
Can also be made available…
Vetus M2.04 11hp Twin Cylinder Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine Package With Hurth 2:1 Gearbox, Control Panel & Extension Loom.
Taken in part exchange against a larger Vetus M3.29…
Perkins 4236 72hp Four Cylinder Naturally Aspirated Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine With Borg Warner 1:1 Hydraulic Gearbox. 24V Electrics.
Removed from a large timber motorboat which…
Universal M25 25hp Three Cylinder Heat Exchanger Cooled Marine Diesel Engine Package With Hurth Gearbox & Control Panel.
Removed from an imported yacht only because it did not confirm to modern…